
Chapter 7: hours of service requirements

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1. After working 120 hours in a 14-day cycle,drivers must take .............. hours of off-duty time before working 70 hours of on-duty time.

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2. Drivers on an 14-day cycle must not drive after ............ hours of on-duty time in 14 consecutive days.

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3. When driving in the Yukon or Northwest Territories, you can be on duty for no more than consecutive hours?

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4. What are logbooks?

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5. You must have at least 8 consecutive hours of off-duty time before driving after you:

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6. On-duty time includes all but which of the following?

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7. When driving in the Yukon or Northwest Territories, you may drive no more than ......... hours during your on-duty time

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8. Which of the following is NOT mandated by the National Safety Code (NSC)?

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9. A sleeper berth does not include:

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10. At what distance from the home terminal are you allowed to travel and not keep a logbook?

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11. Drives must take a minimum of hours off duty time everyday

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12. Who is responsible for ensuring drivers and vehicles meet the standards of the NSC?

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13. A logbook must be updated?

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14. You must submit your logbook and all supporting documents to your carrier within ...

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15. Drivers are required to operate in a cycle. What are the two cycle options that drivers have?

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16. Time spent riding on a ferry is considered off-duty time unless:

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17. What are the consequences if you exceed your maximum on-duty hours and an enforcement officer stops you?

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18. If you are required to keep a daily log,what must you have in your possession?

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19. In Canada and the US:

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20. Traveling as a passenger to a destination where you will start working as a driver counts as on-duty time if:

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21. A peace officer can order............ out of service if you drive after reaching the maximum number of on-duty hours permitted for the cycle you are operating under.

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22. When you are operating your logbook in Cycle 2, when must you take 24 consecutive hours of off-duty time?

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23. Drivers on a 7-day cycle must not drive after .......... hours of on-duty time in 7 consecutive days.

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24. Why are hours of service regulations in place?

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25. What kinds of documents might you have to present to verify logbook entries?

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26. Off-duty time other than the mandatory eight consecutive hours may be distributed throughout the day in blocks of :

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27. When driving in the United States, you may drive no more than ............ hours during your on-duty time.

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28. Who may ask to see your log book?

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29. How many consecutive hours of off-duty time must be taken to reset the cycle in Cycle 2?

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30. The National Safety Code (NSC) sets out minimum safety standards for

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31. When more than one driver is sharing a vehicle during a trip, only one of the drivers is required to sign the trip inspection report, provided

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32. What is the requirement for the driver to record in their logbook when using a commercial vehicle for personal use?

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33. Which of following ailments do NOT preclude a BC driver from operating in the United States?

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34. How many consecutive hours of off-duty time must be taken to reset the cycle in Cycle 1?

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35. On-duty time includes:

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